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RUNAWAYS WANTED: Inquire Within...

Circus life, it is a mysterious thing. While we have our assumptions as to how circuses (so that's how you spell it!) are formed, I feel it to be my responsibility to get the facts straight... or just make up some more hilarious assumptions.

First (and only) item of business: recruitment. How does one join the circus? Are the inner workings of the big top really made up of runaways?

As Tanyth pointed out, why are there homeless runaways? Shouldn't they join the circus? Well, perhaps they are rejects... Maybe the ability to do chalk drawings on the sidewalk isn't a profitable circus act. Apparently there are between 1.3 and 1.5 million runaways in the United States each year... that's a lot of circuses...

If I were to runaway to the circus, could I give myself a one-up by bringing a resume? As a runaway-to-be, should I sit down and assess my talents, abilities, facial features, physique and phobias (can't really be a trapeze artist if I'm afraid of heights) before I head out?

How early in a person's life would they decide that the only way for them to get by in life is to be put up for show as a Circus Freak? Uh-oh... seems as though I've woken up with an extra hand coming out of my chest... suddenly decisions shift from, "Uni or TAFE?" to, "Silvers or Du Soleil?"...
I'm sure there are ladies out there with uncontrollable facial hair who sit themselves down and say, "I have two options, it's either laser hair removal or circus freak..."

But as I've researched Freak Shows... it seems it is a dying trend and this is quite simply and logically explained via the wikipedia article which said, "Changes in popular culture and entertainment led to the decline of the freak show as a form of entertainment. As previously mysterious anomalies were scientifically explained as genetic mutations or diseases, freaks became the objects of sympathy rather than fear or disdain." I like how it refers to them as freaks... it made me laugh... and then cry... and then laugh again.

So what about us normal people out there? Those of us without an aptitude for walking a tightrope or juggling or lion taming? Well, if you're not very funny, love having your face covered in paint (you look good... in all that make-up) and are just a generally creepy person, then try your hand at being a clown... If you've ever felt that you were one of the more shifty types, then perhaps you could man the Ring Toss stall... Perhaps you feel the need to announce everyone else's business and do no work? Ringmaster it is then...

On examining these different options, I've come to realize that maybe one of the reasons we all find the circus so appealing is because every one has a chance to belong... or maybe we all just want free fairy floss.

So, if you ever decide to runaway to join the circus, you should probably decide beforehand what you're going to be, or you may just find yourself shoveling elephant poo.



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